This is a place for me to post my ideas, rules, stories, and criticisms.
Narrative tabletop and roleplaying games are, by definition, intensely interpersonal experiences that require group buy-in and consensus, but also require clear vision and leadership, typically from Games Masters. The games that we like are not always the games that others like, and that is okay.
Myself, I'm deeply interested in the history of revolutions, Christianity, and class and social/cultural dynamics. I have worked as a union organiser and volunteer for socialist political parties. I wear my politics on my sleeve, and they inform my understanding of the world, just like yours do. They also inflect my work in writing and playing games.
For games, I like rules that inform the world. The base of any game is its rules. They are the conditions in which we play. All of the ways the game is played and the kind of play that emerges, is the superstructure that sits on top of those rules. Different rules create different subjectivities; this is part of the fun of writing rules, homebrewing, and experimenting with other rulesets.
This blog will be a place for experimentation in the intersections between history, revolution, class, and games.
Konstantin Yuon, New Planet |
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